Practicing "Gliding" means flying with a glider sailplane without the use of mechanical propulsion equipment. A good glider sees the air around him like a huge reservoir from which to draw the energy it needs. The forces of nature are at his disposal, if he has learned not to fear them but to respect them, to listen and to grasp the slightest signs with total attention. Anyone can experience the thrill of a glider flight, just having completed twelve years of age. A sightseeing flight with tow at 1000 meters altitude lasts about half an hour, while the 750 meters takes about 20 minutes.
- Neophytes: 1 flight (40 min)
- Practitioners: 2-3 flight hours with expert pilots
- Day dedicated to fly with briefing, visit of the airport and museum and chance to try flight simulator and if conditions allow us eventual glider flight
- Team building you can do from Monday to Friday and with much notice (at least 1 month)
- Courses for schools with briefing, visit of the airport and the museum and possibility to try the simulator. Price to define according to students number.
To live this kind of experience is necessary a comfortable outfit, a hat and a pair of glasses.